The online sports betting and gambling community is always on the move. If you’re somebody that’s interested in betting online, you’re bound to have noticed how fast the news can change. If you stay offline for even just a day, you might miss massive news about your favorite company, fantasy sports league or beloved sport.

This year has been immense for the betting world already, despite the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. There have been some intriguing reactions to the current state of affairs, with plenty of industry giants having to think on their feet in order to stay afloat. We’ve seen unpopular sports becoming more popular, new types of bets and so much more.

If you’re a fan of sports betting and gambling, it’s nice to always be up to date on how your favorite bettors and gambling companies are doing. After all, it’s a hectic time right now so seeing them thrive is very rewarding, as a fan. We’re dedicated to helping our audience stay ahead of the curve when it comes to gambling, betting and gaming as a whole.

One of the latest pieces of news that’s rocked the community is that DraftKings has gone public. But what exactly does this mean? And how will it affect the community as a whole? That’s what we’re going to be taking a look at in more depth in this blog post today.

Who is DraftKings?

To start off with, let’s make sure that we’re all on the right page and look at who DraftKings is.

After all, there are lots of companies in this industry, and it can be overwhelming to try and keep up with them. If you’re a betting fan and you haven’t heard of DraftKings before, we’re sure that you’re going to love what this company has to offer. 

DraftKings is a sports betting company, based in Boston, Massachusetts. They offer a plethora of fantastic gaming services, including daily and weekly fantasy sports tournaments, and other brilliant sports betting opportunities. They were founded in 2011, according to Wikipedia, and have been storming the industry ever since.

What does it entail when a company goes public?

Something else that may be unfamiliar to some people reading this is the term ‘going public’, as this is typically used in the context of business and investment. We found a great definition when researching for this blog in this Investopedia article. 

Typically, a business going public involves them moving from being a private company to being a publicly traded company. This can be done for a number of reasons, but is often done to raise a company’s public image or to raise capital. Many businesses find success trading privately, but going public can make all the difference in some cases.

When did DraftKings go public?

As many of you will know by now, DraftKings went public in late April. This news was a hot topic at the end of the month, especially with all of the chaos going on in the sports world right now due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Interestingly, DraftKings seems to have spiked as a result of this publication. As noted in this great Financial Times article, they’ve seen a 16% increase in the stock market. This is simply fantastic, and shows how eager the market is for a company of this standing. It highlights how the global community as a whole has become more accepting of gambling, as well. 

It will be interesting to see where DraftKings end up by the end of the year. They have received a lot of positive attention from the community, and we’re sure to see this company making waves as we head further into 2020. They’re one of the main companies that investors, gamers and creatives should have their eye on right now.

What effects might this publication have in the future?

Finally, it’s interesting to consider how this news of DraftKings going public might influence the community. One of the most obvious things that can be said for the company right now is that there are a lot of eyes on their team. Big news like this often draws a lot of attention, and as you can see from this CNN article, it’s likely they’ll have a lot of focus for the rest of the year.

It’s worth noting that this news may bring other companies to the decision to go public. It’s certainly a positive move to make as a business, and it can bring a lot of benefits to the employees and to the customers as well.

To sum up 

As you can see, DraftKings is one of the most important companies to keep an eye on this year in the sporting and betting communities. They’re industry leaders, with plenty of fantastic services and gambling opportunities for fans to enjoy. It’s no wonder that they’ve generated such a loyal fan following with their work.

This news regarding the public status of DraftKings seems to have only done positive things so far, and we’re sure that it will continue to lift their status as we head throughout 2020. It will be interesting to see how other companies react to this news, and whether any other businesses in the sector choose to follow suit.

Are you looking for a high quality betting company to work with? We’d recommend opting for DraftKings. If you can’t tell from this blog post, we’re big fans of the brand. Take a look at this review of DraftKings from NJ Gambling Fun to find out more about them and to see why you should start betting with them today.

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Lauren Sanchez - Author

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