The upward evolution of electronic commerce remains unstoppable. This boom undoubtedly poses new challenges that electronic commerce will have to face in 2020.

This will make us face a series of technological trends in the eCommerce industry that will shape the new scenario in many markets for 2020.

According to the most recent studies, artificial intelligence and 5G technology are expected to transform the eCommerce industry with amazing advances in the year 2020. Here are some of the most impactful technological trends we will see in the eCommerce industry shortly. 

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Augmented reality allows buyers to integrate products into users’ environments. They can see the products in front of them despite it being there. Ikea, for example, launched an app with which users could see how the chosen furniture would look in their home. 

In this way, buyers get a better idea of the product without having to try too hard to imagine how everything will look. This technology will be one of the eCommerce trends for 2020 that will force companies to use it to reach the public as realistically as possible. 

Experts in Supply Chain & Technology Operations Management are confident that augmented reality will take off strongly in 2020 and will be extensible for sale on most platforms. 


People are increasingly accessing online stores through a smartphone, just as more and more transactions are carried out via mobile. Mobile applications are becoming more important over time. 

Users find more products in the apps than in the mobile browser, and it is expected that throughout 2020, 5G networks will be available, which will expand the possibilities of the eCommerce sector. Thanks to the download speed, the possibilities in terms of audiovisual content and augmented reality can reach dimensions never seen before. 

Artificial intelligence

One of the eCommerce trends in 2020 will also be Artificial Intelligence. For instance, tools like sqribble are making it easier for people to automate the content design process. On the one hand, the algorithms allow a computer-controlled system to be able to adapt its analysis and the corresponding behaviors obtained from a database or sensors. Thanks to AI, eCommerce pages will be able to offer a better experience to buyers based on their purchasing habits and existing information. They would correspond to the “recommendations for you” sections that can already be found on many pages of the Internet. To achieve this, they rely on previous purchases or the most visited items. 

On the other hand, the chatbot application will be a key system in all eCommerce transitions. Although they are already operational, from 2020, it will be one of the main methods for obtaining customer information. On the one hand, the information should allow you to send offers that are personalized – and on the other hand, to collect data using big data. Besides, chatbots will also serve as purchasing assistants who will guide the customer throughout the process. 

Looking ahead to 2020, chatbots are expected to operate in more than 85% of customer service centers, which invites the design of a valid and effective system of contact with users. 

It will be an indispensable channel in any customer service strategy. Every time we demand more immediate attention to the need to resolve our doubts instantly. We live in the age of immediacy, and electronic stores that are capable of delivering this service and offering rapid response will generate a higher volume of sales.

Voice Commerce 

Different studies estimate that in 2019 more than 50% of internet searches have been carried out by using voice – moreover, there are speculations that, by 2020, these sales will increase. Therefore, it is important that eCommerce companies are informed about it and prepared to apply it if you don’t want to lag behind the competitors. 

The opportunity presented by this trend is the optimization of the voice channel to generate positioning and brand visibility in the search engines by voice. This digital marketing technique is known as voice SEO.

Cryptocurrencies as a payment method 

As we already mentioned, cryptocurrencies and blockchain are going to be a trend in 2020. From next year, many eCommerce will incorporate cryptocurrencies as a payment method for web pages. Offering this payment option in your eCommerce will benefit you since you will make a difference, and you can win over your target audience. 

Use of Videos 

Video is the format that generates the most trust among customers, and 37% higher conversions occur thanks to them according to reports. According to the sector you are in, it will be quite convenient and easier to create brief illustrative videos for the products you are offering. If, for whatever reason, you cannot include videos of each product, we recommend that you include any video on your website. This will help reinforce the brand image of your company and win the trust of your customers. 

Tester Stores

One of the eCommerce trends for 2020 will be to have tester stores, a new physical store business model that will be linked to eCommerce with a lot of prominences, where the customer will be able to see, touch and test the products before buying them. 

The smartphone becomes important 

Smartphone usage is growing worldwide, and more and more users are surfing the Internet with them and using it as a means to carry out their online shopping. In 2019, one of the greatest challenges will be to improve mobile navigation, and the way content is displayed to continue driving purchases through smartphones.


Along with traditional in-store purchases and, increasingly, through web pages, consumers are accessing new channels such as social networks or blogs. On these channels, through a purchase button, they directly carry out their transaction. This is leading providers to consider omnichannel strategies if they want to take advantage of the possibilities they offer and provide a satisfying customer experience.

Personalized experience

Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are evolving, which will be increasingly used in conjunction with big data proposals. It will help obtain more data on the purchasing behavior of users to configure more complete profiles. As a result, that will allow them to offer what the client needs according to their preferences. 

Online Search, Offline Purchase

Users prefer the online channel to search for products and learn the opinions of other buyers, but then they go to the physical store for purchase. This will be a factor to keep in mind to interconnect channels to offer consumers what they need.

Shopping Experience

Usability is turning out to be among the most important factors when it comes to customer satisfaction in the purchasing process. Encouraging usability in terms of ease of navigation, especially at the time of purchase, and protecting privacy will be key.

Cross-border shopping

Many online stores growingly offer the possibility of shipping abroad, many of which are also available in various languages for better navigation. Some also accept payment in a currency other than dollars. Besides, the platforms will be internationalized, and the consumer will not differentiate if he is buying in a local or foreign marketplace, which will enhance their reach for a wider audience.

Smart E-Commerce

With the growth of online shopping, competition between different players is increasing, and so is the need for smart e-commerce. The price will be an element on which online stores will focus in 2020 to seek to differentiate themselves from their competitors. However, that also implies working to maintain the loyalty of buyers.

The Logistical Challenge

Delivery times and shipping prices are two of the key aspects that users pay special attention to when making their purchases online. Speed of delivery and flexibility are the two important qualities that many customers will look for in the future. 


Gartner data indicates that, in 2020, 3.3% of households worldwide will buy through digital assistants. There are some major advances that we will see in eCommerce shortly. But, with the growing technological improvements, we will surely witness more trends ahead.

Lauren Sanchez - Author

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