The world health crisis certainly shook up the world in a major way. As a result the video game industry, as with most industries, was forced to delay numerous highly anticipated projects. Bad news for gamers. But it isn’t all bad news; there are still several interesting games due out before the end of the year.

Here are the most anticipated games due out before the end of 2021.

Resident Evil Village

More commonly known as that game with the giant vampire lady, Resident Evil Village is hotly anticipated. The Resident Evil franchise absolutely wowed with Resident Evil 2 Remake, and Capcom is certainly looking to keep the ball rolling. Resident Evil Village is technically Resident Evil 8, and has already sent the internet into a frenzy with the teased character Lady Dimitrescu.

If the game itself lives up to the now sky high standards of the franchise remains to be seen. But in a year so empty of big releases, the gaming community is all but desperate for a big title. Plus, even if Resident Evil Village doesn’t blow fans away, at least Lady Dimitrescu cosplay will likely live on for years. Those who like games with real money options can check out

Ratchet And Clank: Rift Apart

Ratchet And Clank have been around for years, and are still relatively popular today. The duo’s latest entry, Rift Apart, was meant to drop with the release of the PS5. But, the world health crisis struck again, and the release date was thus pushed further back into the year.

But thankfully, the delay wasn’t too extreme, and Ratchet And Clack: Rift Apart will be hitting PS5 owners on June 11th. If this title justifies an expensive hardware upgrade remains to be seen, but as one of the first exclusives for the console, expectations will be pretty high.

No More Heroes 3

No More Heroes was somewhat of a surprise hit, featuring an utterly bizarre plot, extremely quirky characters, and a rather adult storyline. Few expected that this insane franchise would still be going today, but, here it is. No More Heroes 3 is due out on the Switch August 27th, and the cult fan base will no doubt be falling over one another to get their hands on it.

If it lives up to expectations is another story, given that the appeal of the original really was the unexpected shock value.


Perhaps the most anticipated release of the year is Deathloop, coming courtesy of legendary studio Arkane. Due out on the PC and PS5 September 14th, this will be the title that many hope make the year worthwhile.

With an interesting premise of time repeating itself, and what is hope to be ground-breaking graphics, expectations are pretty high. If Deathloop manages to meet expectations of being one of the best games ever is questionable, given how starved gamers will be for something truly ground-breaking. But, at the very least, Christmas 2021 won’t be completely devoid of big AAA titles. 

Lauren Sanchez - Author

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