Whether you are having a birthday party, a wedding or any other event which requires party favors, you should really look at taking on the print-out option in order to bring down the overall costs. The favor bag template which we have offer costs just $3.99 and you can print out as many as you wish. There are a number of ways in which you can make these bags, either using card to create lovely little parcels or if you have some skills when it comes to sewing then you can also create the bag with some delightful fabric.
There are some questions which we have been asked about the favor bag regarding weight and the truth is that unless you are putting precious gems in the bag then it will hold the weight. Let’s be honest if you are throwing out precious gems for your guests then you likely won’t need to download our bag for money saving reasons! Another question we often get is what should you put in your favor bag, and here are some cool suggestions for you.
When it comes to favors you really cannot go wrong with candy, it just works on so many levels. The only thing that you should always bear in mind with the favors is that you should only be putting chocolate in there is it is foil wrapped and boxed, the last thing that anyone wants is to open their favor bag and get a finger full of sticky, melted chocolate. Sugared almonds are often a great choice for favors.
Mixing It Up
One of my favorite type of party favors is a mixture of items which match the event. Let’s say that it is a wedding for example, you could put some photos of the bride and groom or a small memory tag with the date and place on it. The point here is bringing some personality to proceedings and adding a mixture of bits and pieces to the bag.
The worry is with favor bags is that you put in so much time to make sure that they are perfect, and at the end of the day the people receiving them don’t really care about what is inside, heartbreaking of course, but just the way that things are. This is why I have always felt that the very best favors to put in there are a couple of candies to eat, and then a cool puzzle to solve. Don’t put inside some 9 piece jigsaw which will be completed in a matter of seconds, get a bit more cerebral and put a puzzle in there which will keep people busy, this is something completely different and I can assure you that it will be ell received.
Try to mix it up with your favors, people go to so many parties that they do not enjoy receiving the same thing over and over again.