For a long time there was really no digital alternative for a scrapbook, as there was something which was so physically important about what a scrapbook was and how we used it. Many programs came and went but none could really offer the same approach to scrapbooking digitally, as so many enjoyed physically. 

The perfect solution however is the Ordinary Day Collection, a new tilt on scrapbooking which plays out perfectly in the digital universe. This is an amazing collection which you can gift to someone or invest in for yourself, and here is exactly why it ticks all the boxes when it comes to creating a scrapbook. 

What You Get 

The team at Ordinary Day have created a number of packages which are available in digital format, and the standard collection is one of the cutest that I have seen, here is what you will get when you choose this package in particular. 

16 Pattern Papers

9 Solid Papers

92 Elements

(arrow, button, flair, flower, foliage, photo frame, journal, label, paint, ribbon, ricrac, scrabble, staple, star, tag, washitape, etc.)

2 complete uppercase alphas including numbers and some symbols. Saved as individual PNG files

Reason to Love Digital Scrapbooking

If there are any purists amongst you who love scrapbooking but can’t get behind the digital version then it is likely that you should stick to the paper version, as you’ll have to make a lot of sacrifice for the digital scrapbook. Those of you who are interested in scrapbooking but have never really given it a go, this is the perfect option for you. Doing things digitally makes things so much easier to manage, you can sync up your scrapbook with all of your devices so that you can instantly send photos and documents directly to the scrapbook. Date and time stamps will be added instantly, and geotagging will help you to remember where you were and when. 


The idea of a scrapbook is to create amazing memories which you will cherish forever, but when you have a physical scrapbook there is always the risk that it gets damaged or that it becomes lost. When you do a digital scrapbook however you completely minimize the risk of this happening because the information can easily be stored on multiple devices. This means that no matter what happens, you are always going to have that scrapbook and those memories to cherish forever. 


This Ordinary Day collection offers far more than just a great space to store those memories, it offers a really beautiful display and several options which give you the chance to personalize your scrapbook and make it look every bit as gorgeous as those memories that you have put inside it. 

Digital scrapbooking is the future and if you do decide that you are going to give it a go and store your memories, the collection from Ordinary Day is a great place to start. 

Lauren Sanchez - Author

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